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A Simple Approach To Deeper Self-care Practices

A Simple Approach to Deeper Self-care Practices

When we think of self-care practices, we often think of  “treating ourselves”. This could look like some of these delightful things…

 💗 a bubble bath (with wine)  💗 massage/spa days, 💗weekend away  💗 shopping,  💗 chilling with a good book  💗 and let’s face it…ice cream! (or replace with chocolate if ice cream is not your vibe)

And while all these things are divine and should be partaken of liberally…. there is a much deeper element to self-care and soul-care that will create a significantly more aligned and meaningful world for you.

Deeper, more nurturing self-care practices could look like…. 

  • Saying no to anything that is not serving you
  • Healthy and loving boundaries with yourself and others
  • Having the courage to ask for what you need
  • Asking for help
  • Prioritising sleep and health
  • Doing what truly lights you up
  • Knowing when to slow down and take some proper time out
  • Knowing and prioritising the things and people that are truly important to YOU, 

Self-care and soul-care is about putting yourself first and being super aware of what is really important to YOU. 

So often we end up putting other people’s needs before our own and over time this can mean we are actually aligning our life to what OTHER people value, as opposed to our own true values. 

Taking care of yourself by integrating these deeper self-care practices is about…

…Intentionally allocating time to fill your cup,

…doing what truly nourishes you,

…nurturing your physical and mental state,

…honouring your boundaries,

…and doing what truly lights you up.

No idea what you love? → Download my free ‘Reconnect to Your Purpose’ meditation

Inspired Action Steps…

Reflect & Recharge:

Make a daily list before you go to sleep at night of “Things I’ve done today to nurture ME”. This will bring awareness to where you are, or are not, nurturing YOU and will help you to make taking care of yourself a habit. You may even like to add another list of “ Ways I will nurture myself tomorrow”

Deeper Self-Care Practices:

From the list of deeper self-care practices above, which one do you feel requires the most attention from you right now? What is one action you can take today to carve out time to prioritise this practice?


What does self-care look like for you, lovely? Do you mindfully carve out time in your life for really nourishing your soul?

In my Burnout to Bliss – 30 Days of Self-care for Mums program, we dive into your self-care, values, boundaries, and protecting your precious energy so you can connect to what truly lights YOU up at your core and actually live this every single day. 

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