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New Year Manifestation Rituals

New Year Manifestation Rituals

How are you welcoming in this exciting new year of life?

Start your year with intention and purpose with these beautiful manifestation rituals.  

The new year is a particularly transformational time, as we close off one chapter of this precious life and prepare to open the door to an exciting new chapter. We reflect on all the happenings of the past year – the highs and lows, the wins and the mistakes, the adventures and misadventures…

And then we look forward to the coming year and ponder what we will do differently. This will be the year that we…smash that diet, plan that adventure, meet our soulmate, quit that job… let those big new year’s resolutions begin! And let’s be honest, that’s as far as most of us get, and before you know it…it’s the next new year and we realise we haven’t achieved any of it!!

Intentional Manifestation Rituals versus New Years Resolutions

There are all kinds of reasons why we don’t follow through on our new year’s resolutions but that’s not what I want to talk about here. Instead, I want to suggest ditching the tradition of setting new year’s resolutions this year and trying a different, gentler approach that will help you to stay in alignment with your path and purpose and move towards what your soul is yearning for (even if you’re not totally sure of your direction just yet) 

Rituals help bring meaning to life and it really doesn’t matter how simple the ritual is, if it is done with intention. These intentional manifestation rituals will help you to energetically let go of the year that has been so that you can open your heart to all the opportunities and possibilities of the year to come

1. Gratitude for the year that has been 

Before you welcome in the new possibilities of the coming year, take a moment to be thankful for the past year – the experiences you have had (the good or not-so-great); the lessons you’ve learned; people who have come, or gone, or supported you; goals you have achieved;  lives you have touched…anything at all.

  • Begin by thinking of as many things as possible that you can be thankful for (aim for at least three!) 
  • Reflect further on these either by journaling or through meditation, whichever practice resonates most with you.

Read more about rituals for endings and beginnings and making a fresh start 

New Year Manifestation Rituals

2. Let go of the past: a burning manifestation ritual to let go and move on

Fire is a universal symbol for spiritual cleansing and one of my favourite manifestation rituals is a fire releasing ceremony that acknowledges endings and welcomes new beginnings (also a great one to do on the summer or winter solstice). 

You can do this ritual with an open fire or if you are sweating through the hot Australian summer like me, you can simply light a candle.

  • Take three small pieces of paper and write three things you wish to let go of.
  • Read the first one aloud (“I am letting go of ______) and then place onto the fire (or use a candle in the sink or a fireproof bowl). 
  • Watch the paper disintegrate and transform into smoke in the air. Take a moment to close your eyes and feel whatever you are letting go of disappear
  • Repeat with the other two pieces of paper 

3. Set a clear intention for the new year

Instead of new year’s resolutions and big goals, focus your attention on how you would like to FEEL in the coming year. 

  • Close your eyes, take a few deep breaths and tune into that feeling you would like to embody. Ask yourself, “How do I want to feel this year?” Perhaps it’s… inspired – expansive – free – relaxed – creative – secure – optimistic – grateful – proud – confident – content – joyful – adventurous…
  • Once you are clear on the feeling, jot down a few small actions that will begin to move you closer to this feeling. These should be actions you can easily begin to integrate into your routine. By simply changing a few small things, you will begin to gently call in that feeling to your life. 

New Year Manifestation Rituals

4. New Year Letter to Your Future Self

I personally love this one! It takes a little more time and imagination so if you enjoy some soul-driven journaling then this will be at the top of your list of new year manifestation rituals. This ritual puts you in a mindset of actually accomplishing those things you want, not just hoping for the best.

  • Brainstorm some of the important things you would like to welcome into your life over the next year – from big things (eg: buy a house) to smaller, but still important, things (eg: read more books). Be as specific as possible. Think about each area of your life and jot down something from each area (home, work /business, family, friendships, partner, social, spiritual, personal growth / soul care, health etc)
  • Write yourself a letter as if it is New Year’s Eve next year and you have already manifested everything on your list. In other words, write in the past tense and reflect on all the things you have accomplished. 
  • Get super specific and include all the details allowing a paragraph for each area of life.
    • Eg: Describe the rooms in your house. What area is it in? How did you know it was the right house for you? How does it feel to live there?
    • Eg: How many books did you read? What were the names of some of them? How did you fit in time to read so much? What was the first book you read?
  • Once you’re done writing (Phew, how many pages did you manage?), read it through and really feel into everything you have written. You can even close your eyes and imagine all of this playing out if that feels right for you.
  • Seal your letter in an envelope, label it and put it somewhere where you will easily find it this time next year – perhaps with your Christmas decorations or in your bedside drawer. 
  • Set a calendar reminder and date with yourself to open the letter this time next year to reflect on the year that has passed. You’ll be amazed at how much you have done!

Whichever new year manifestation rituals you choose, be sure to trust your intuition and do what you feel most drawn to, what feels most nurturing and supportive to you.  Give those overwhelming new year’s resolutions a miss this year and try one of these gentler manifestation rituals as you ease into the new year. 


Wishing you love and light in all that you do and a beautiful year ahead x


If you are ready to start moving into a fresh, new and inspired stage of your life, and find meaning and purpose in the year ahead, my Fresh Start Bundle is available for instant download below 

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